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To report a problem with Roads and Highways

Please report to WSCC Highways.

and click on the appropriate option

To Report a Crime

If a crime is being committed, please call 999. Otherwise crime can be reported online to Chichester Police or anonymously to Crimestoppers

Police Rural Crime Team

To report a problem with a footpath or bridleway

Footpaths are often the responsibility of local landowners. Please contact the Parish Clerk if you encounter any problems. Alternatively report online to WSCC

Broken stile on footpath

To report a breach of planning regulations or object to a planning application.

Please refer to the South Downs National Park Website. Local planning applications are all reviewed by the Parish Council. To learn how parish councils are involved in the planning process, please click here


To report fly tipping

Flytipping is a continuing problem across the Parish. The Parish Council is working with the Disstrict Council on initiatives to combat this anti-social and destructive crime. Please report any incidences of fly tipping at the Chichester District Council website. If you see flytipping taking place, call 999

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To report flooding
Environment Agency 24-hour incident hotline 0800 807060

To report, or get advice on flooding from groundwater or surface water
West Sussex County Council –

Other useful contacts –
Floodline 24-hours 0345 988 1188

National Flood Forum 01299 403055

Water supplier Southern Water 0330 303 0368
Electricity supplier – SSEN 0800 072 7282

Compton green flood.jpg

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