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Asset Register

Snow Plough Blade
Kept and maintained by local farmers the plough is used to help clear roads after heavy snowfall in conjunction with work by West Sussex Highways
Compton and Up Marden Notice Boards
Located next to the BT phone box on Compton Square and opposite the track leading to St Michael’s Church in Up Marden
West Marden Bus Shelter
The shelter provides a handy out of the elements spot to wait for the No54 bus to Chichester/Petersfield. It also houses the Parish Council Notice Board
West Marden Willow Trees
The trees are inspected annually by a certified tree inspector and pruned when required
Compton Millenium Wellhead
The wellhead was built in 2000 and is located in Compton Village Square
Compton Recreation Ground
Although owned by the Parish Council the site is maintained by The Compton Recreation Ground Committee, charity reg no. 305355